It's my blog's first birthday, so today we're celebrating! Enjoy some pictures from the neighborhood taken this past year. (Almost all of the photos are connected with a blog entry. You can find the title and publication date in parentheses under each photo. Blog entries by date here.) Subscribers: If you have trouble viewing these images, click here.

Some views of the cinder block wall. ("Foundation", August 20, 2015.)

Our pit bull. She's stubborn, but she's spoiled. ("Lala", February 5, 2015.)

Oh, the adventures in the evidence room! ("Terrance Donaldson: Part 2", April 16, 2015.)

Some sweet graffiti. Wish I had snapped a picture before starting to scrub away the heart on the right. ("Garbage", March 19, 2015.)

Carrying the baby. No corresponding blog; just a beautiful scene on the Northside.

My painting entitled "Welcome", 1' x 3' ("Rachelle", October 30, 2014.)

Spending time with our little house guests at an art event. And a blurry time was had by all. ("The littles", April 2, 2015.)

Moe, our hair stylist, working her magic on Flicka. ("Missing", May 21, 2015.)

An interesting find in our garbage can one day. But the story that came before...

With Husband in Quebec City, Quebec, 2015.

Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka selling lefse before KARE 11 showed up. ("The lefse stand", August 6, 2015.)

Oh, that ice cream truck and its Christmas music! Ricka and Dicka buying a treat in 2015. ("The corner stores", December 11, 2014.)

The driveway art. We've learned spray paint lasts longer than chalk. ("Boundary lines", April 30, 2015.)