A word comes to me about this time each December, and it sets my focus for the year ahead. Do you choose a word as you enter the new year too?
In 2020, my word (or sentence, rather) was COUNT IT ALL JOY, and it reminded me how to respond in a year of uncertainty.
In 2021, my word was ABUNDANCE, and I got it—in all areas of my life that really matter.
A few weeks ago, my word for 2022 sparked to mind while I was busy not thinking about it. And it came in as sure as truth:
None of the dictionary’s definitions of the word—to bear patiently, tolerate, endure, withstand, remain, continue, stay—comfort me in the physical realm. But another Source lifts me out of it.
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Now what about you, reader? Do you have a word to inspire you this new year too?
If you’d like to share it, send me a message HERE with your word for 2022 and why you chose it, and I’ll publish your writing in next week’s blog. (Subscribers, simply hit reply to this email.)
Happy New Year!