What do you protect? (your responses)

Last week, I asked my readers this question: What do you protect?

Here are your thoughtful responses.


I protect the earth and its creatures whenever and however I can. I gently take spiders outside, I plant native flowers and trees every year, I don’t use pesticides, and I make our yard a peaceful habitat for as many creatures as I can. 

Julie, Orono, MN


In this season of my life, I find myself protecting my mom. The protection I offer is not from physical danger or harm. (I couldn’t do that very well from three states away.) Instead, my actions serve to protect her dignity on the journey through Alzheimer’s disease. As I make decisions about her care and treatment options, I feel intensely protective of her and strive to choose what will provide her the most autonomy and allow her to retain her dignity, while also ensuring she is safe and comfortable. Some of those choices are easy and others are agonizing. They’re all important. As she protected me during my childhood, now I have the privilege of protecting her as she moves toward her sunset. 

Annie, Minneapolis, MN


Right now I am learning to protect my time and energy.

Carolyn, Granite Falls, WA


My time with the Lord first thing in the morning. I make a cup of tea and take it back to bed with my Bible and prayer list. If I don't—if I let other activities like checking email or sticking in a load of laundry take precedence—I never get back that quiet mind for prayer and meditation.

LeAnne, northwestern WI



*Names in this blog have been changed to protect my family and friends in the neighborhood, and in a nod of appreciation to the beloved Swedish author Maj Lindman, I’ve renamed my three blondies Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka.