Scrapbook of a weekend

Last weekend, we drove north about five and a half hours, turned left just past Holt, took a right a few miles after that, and ended up at Mom’s place. Our family of five managed to be together on this mini road trip to northern Minnesota, something of a miracle these days now that the girls are grown.

Mom has a teacup collection. She never actively pursued it, but the collection came to her over the years.

“Maybe we should drink out of those cups while we’re here,” I said, never having seen them out of their cabinet.

“Go right ahead,” Mom said.

So, we did. And if a person (me) sits around sipping from dainty cups for any length of time, another person (Dicka) inevitably braids her hair. Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka also ripped around on dirt bikes and in the E-Z-Go, and they scaled a silo during their days on the farm too.

I ambled through the Quonset, again assessing the old church altar and frame I intend to turn into something amazing in my house. Stay tuned.

While poking through Mom’s extra freezer one evening, I found a small red box—the kind check blanks once came in—containing frosting flowers from my older sister’s first birthday. I texted her a picture.

Do you realize what Mom still has in her freezer? I wrote. Pink frosting flowers from 1966 anyone?

She texted back. Am I supposed to be eating them at some point?!

I also found frosting flowers from her high school graduation in 1983, but that’s neither here nor there.

Needless to say, we had fun. Below are some pics to prove it.

*Names in this blog have been changed to protect my family, neighbors, and friends in the neighborhood, and in a nod of appreciation to the beloved Swedish author Maj Lindman, I’ve renamed my three blondies Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka.