Happy 8th birthday, My Blonde Life!

Last Sunday, I celebrated My Blonde Life blog’s eight years of life.

I did the math. Eight years means 416 blog installments. Yikes, that’s a lot of words.

I’ve put hand to pen (or fingers to keyboard, rather) through blizzards and fevers, heat waves and broken toes, vacations and grieving, houseguests and moving. Some weeks, I don’t want to do it. Other weeks, I have ideas I’m grateful to bring to the page.

Why do I do it every week? I committed to it. I struggle with it. I learn from it. I dread it. I love it. I feel relief each week after I post. Through it, I solve things. I commune with God. I connect with people.

So, my people, thank you for reading!

Now come. Sit down and enjoy some cheesecake with me.