Come spring: update

Remember my blog post last October about lugging my pots of plants inside the house for the winter? How I was worried about hurting myself in the process–they’re shockingly heavy–but I didn’t? How I planned to speak kind words to those growing things until they could go outside again in the spring? Remember all that? No? I was kind of underwhelmed by the topic too, truth be told. But I’m here today to update you anyway because you’re my faithful blog reader. Or maybe you’re not.

The plants are doing fine. And by fine, I mean below average.

For the last six months, they’ve been living a bland existence next to that sliding glass door downstairs. I water them but probably not enough. Sometimes I say nice things to them like, “Well, look at you go!” or “I see you,” varying my tone from overly exuberant to mildly flirty, but it feels a little contrived, and I don’t necessarily mean it. Maybe that’s why they’re just alive instead of thriving. I haven’t done too much for them, but if we’re being honest, what have they done for me?  

Except they brought what we’re calling fruit flies into the house to enjoy all winter. So there’s that.

Here’s the link from last fall’s blog, so you can compare conditions. Also, here are some unremarkable pictures for your Thursday.