Five senses

“The touch of a voice, the taste of a smile, the scent of a skin. See like a blind man and hear what lives within.” Unknown

Today, I want to hear from you.

If you could choose only one, which of the five senses would you want to keep for the rest of your life?

Send me your thoughts (along with your first name, city, and state) HERE, and I’ll publish them in next week’s blog installment. Subscribers, simply hit reply to this message. 

I’m thankful I can smell fresh laundry, taste wasabi, feel the cowhide rug under my bare feet, hear the bossa nova music playing right now, and see the future in my grown-up girls. But if I had to choose only one of my senses for the rest of my life? Hmmm…

What about you?

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*Names in this blog have been changed to protect my family, neighbors, and friends in the neighborhood, and in a nod of appreciation to the beloved Swedish author Maj Lindman, I’ve renamed my three blondies Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka.