The best season

Today, I want to hear from you. What’s your favorite season? Why?

I’ll get us started.

Whirring fans. Oiled-up skin on a beach towel. Boomboxes on the beach. Orange push-up ice cream. Galilee Bible Camp. Sleepovers in a tent in the backyard. Bike rides to Young’s General Store. Strawberry Shasta and video rentals. Road trips in the station wagon. A fresh-cut lawn.

I loved summer then; I love it now. And it hurts my heart when it leaves me.

Now it’s your turn.

If you’d like to share your favorite season with us (and why you like it), click HERE to send me a message, and I’ll publish your writing in next week’s blog (along with your first name, city, and state.) Subscribers, simply hit reply to this email.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

*Has My Blonde Life inspired or entertained you? If you wish to toss a tip into my writerly coffers, here's how you can do it: @Tamara-Schierkolk (Venmo) or $TamaraSchierkolk (Cash App)