The best season: your responses

Last week, I asked you readers to tell me about your favorite season. Thank you for your responses! Here's what you said:


We spent years living on the edge of the tropics as missionaries. We missed crunching autumn leaves underfoot and the smell of bonfires. Now that we are retired in NW Wisconsin, it is sunshine on snow that sends my heart soaring; the long blue shadows of naked tree trunks in the woods; mornings when every twig is etched in white against the bluest of blue skies; the sound of falling water behind the fairy castle formations of a frozen waterfall. I love propelling my body on two strips of wood along a groomed trail or tromping across a frozen lake with snowshoes and breathing in cold, crisp air. Deer bed down near where our geo-thermal system spills a stream of warm water all winter. And don’t get me started on hot soup, candlelight dinners, and Christmas lights.

LeAnne, NW Wisconsin


Summer is the best season because of the sunbathing after half a year of snow and going outside without being in pain from the cold. I love that the sun stays out till 9pm, road trips with the windows down, swimming all the time, late night ice cream trips, bonfires, sleeping outside, etc. The hot days are like heaven but for just the perfect amount of time. If summer were too long I don’t think I’d appreciate it as much as I do.

Tanya, Minneapolis, Minnesota


I like summer because I adore being drenched in everything I wear and almost passing out every time I move.

Gail, Palm Springs, California


Fall. Because it’s crispy; it’s not humid. You can wear a sweater, jacket, shorts, and flip-flops. It’s beautiful sitting outside by the fire at night.

Seamus, Angle Inlet, Minnesota


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