Happy 9th birthday, My Blonde Life!

“The blog is turning nine on September 18,” I tell Husband. “I’m not a poet, but maybe I could write a mad haiku for it.”

He laughs. “Yeah, do that.”

Husband contributes to My Blonde Life's birthday celebration by making dessert: puffed pastry filled with fresh peaches and raspberries, bleu cheese and Mike’s Hot Honey. Trust me; it’s a delicious combo.

I plant myself and write three haikus:

Once my baby blog

but like a fourth grader now.

Look how much you’ve grown!

You’re tiring me out

with your nine-year-old antics.

Time to take a nap.

Each week I’m alive

brings a chance to write your life.

You’re a gift for me.

Thank you for reading—some of you for nine whole years! May the inspiration continue…

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